Councils & Committees

Dartmouth's councils and committees are central to its policy-making.

About Councils & Committees

The Councils of the General Faculty provide a forum for deliberation on matters of policy affecting the entire institution. They serve in a continuing advisory capacity to the President, the Provost and the Board of Trustees, and report annually to the General Faculty. The President appoints chairs of Councils, normally from among the members who are not ex officio. All faculty members of the Councils are elected or appointed for a period of three years.

The Standing Committees of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences are comprised of elected or appointed faculty members from Arts & Sciences. The Committees address academic and educational policies of the College and matters related to undergraduate student life.

While there are more Councils and Committees than are listed here, the following are those with the most direct advisory roles to the President.


Council on Academic Freedom and Responsibility

Detailed information on the Council on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, including its charge, can be found in the Organization of the General Faculty of Dartmouth College.

Council on Benefits

The Council on Benefits reviews, with the President, policies and decision-making processes that bear on the benefits program at Dartmouth College. It also reviews and evaluates the College's employee benefits program and makes recommendations to the President with regard to the modification of existing employee benefit plans and the design of any new benefit programs. Read more.

Council on Honorary Degrees

The Council on Honorary Degrees confers with the President and Trustees on the nominations and awarding of honorary degrees during Commencement. The Council on Honorary Degrees consists of three members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (one from each division) appointed by the Committee on Organization and Policy, and one member from each of the three Professional School faculties. (See current members.) In addition, the Senior Class President is invited to participate in the discussion of the nominees and is advisory-only to the Council. For more information on Honorary Degrees, including the nominating process, visit our Honorary Degree page.


Committee Advisory to the President

The Committee Advisory to the President (CAP) consults with the President on matters of appointment and promotion, faculty leaves of absence, and other topics related to the Faculty of Arts & Sciences as appropriate. A list of CAP members can be found on the Arts & Sciences Committees page of the Dean of the Faculty Web site.

Native American Visiting Committee

Constituted by President Kemeny in 1972, the Native American Visiting Committee (NAVC) is comprised of Native American and non-Native American Dartmouth alumni who visit campus once a year for a day and a half to meet with community stakeholders and advise the President on Native American issues at the College. New members are nominated by current Committee members and are appointed by the President. Members serve a five-year term. Members of the Native American Visiting Committee include:

  • Martha Beattie '76
  • Elke Chenevey '83
  • Sarah Harris '00
  • Dawson Her Many Horses, Tu'10
  • Carmen Lopez '97
  • Casey Winn Lozar '03
  • Maxine Lum Mauricio '93
  • Kalina L. Newmark '11
  • AlexAnna Salmon '08