Dartmouth Events

The Fall of Afghanistan: Views From the Middle East--Oct 11 at 5 pm

Ezzedine Fishere--writer, diplomat, and commentator--will discuss Middle Eastern perspectives on the recent fall of Afghanistan

5 pm – 6 pm
Silsby Hall 28
Intended Audience(s): Public

How does the fall of Afghanistan look to the peoples and states of the Middle East? And what are the prospects for a liberal future in that part of the world?

Ezzedine Fishere (Middle Eastern Studies) has worked with the Egyptian Foreign Service and with U.N. missions in the MIddle East and East Africa, among others. He is also a novelist and a regular columnist for the Washington Post on Middle Eastern affairs.

Come hear his thoughts!

Co-sponsored by the Political Economy Project and the Dickey Center for International Understanding, this event is free and open to the public.

Monday, Oct. 11 at 5 pm in Silsby 028.

Those unable to attend in person may join a Webinar of the event here

For more information, contact:
Henry Clark

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.