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Title: "Entanglement in Bosonic Quantum Fluids"
Abstract: Entanglement is a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics and a physical resourcefor quantum information processing algorithms. The entanglement structure of quantummatter has been shown to reveal fundamental physical characteristics of such quantummany-body systems. In this talk, I will discuss how the scaling of entanglement inbosonic fluids can display physical properties of these phases of matter. Using exactmicroscopic numerical simulations, I will present evidence of a leading order “area law”scaling of entanglement in superfluid helium-4. Additionally, I will present numericalevidence of signatures of Goldstone bosons in sub-leading terms of the entanglementscaling of a superfluid. Finally, I will discuss how to quantify the operationally accessi-ble entanglement of bosons given the physical restriction of particle number conservation.
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