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Annual Hardigg Family Fund Lecture presented by the Religion Department
The Religion Department’s Annual Hardigg Family Fund Lecture
Daniel Boyarin
Hermann P. and Sophia Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture, Departments of Near Eastern Studies and Rhetoric, University of California at Berkeley
(For academic year 2021-22): Caroline Zelaznik Gruss and Joseph S. Gruss Visiting Professor in Talmudic Civil Law, Harvard Law School
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Location: 41 Haldeman (In-Person, and a link to the recording will be available the following day upon request)
Free & open to all
Lecture title: "Bad Faith: Why the Jews Aren’t a Religion"
Abstract: It is only in the last two centuries or so that something called "Judaism" has been defined as a religion. According to the arguments to be advanced in my lecture, it was a very unfortunate idea for Jews to allow this to happen. I shall be briefly surveying these arguments which are developed further in my forthcoming book: The No-State Solution: A Jewish Manifesto (Yale, 2022).
Per current Dartmouth College covid policy, all attendees are required to either present their Dartmouth ID OR show proof of vaccination or negative PCR covid test via the bindle app, upon arrival at the auditorium. Details about Dartmouth College Health & Safety policies are available HERE.
The Hardigg Family Fund supports the annual visit of a scholar designated as the Hardigg Family Fellow to Religion 85, which is the culminating experience of the Religion major, restricted to and required of all senior Religion majors. The Hardigg Family Fellow meets with students in class to discuss his or her work and also engages with students more informally in conversations outside of class. The Fellow also typically presents a faculty colloquium or public lecture in conjunction with their visit to campus. The Hardigg Family Fund was established in 1993 by James S. Hardigg '44.
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.