Dartmouth Events

Energy 101

Worried about climate change?  Want to do something about it?  Learn the basics about the energy systems that contribute to climate problems AND solutions.

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Online: Sign up for the link!
Intended Audience(s): Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
Categories: Workshops & Training
Registration required.

Worried about climate change?  Want to do something about it?  Learn the basics about the energy systems that contribute to climate problems AND solutions.

The Irving Institute's winter term Energy 101 is a four-week introduction to everything energy:  how it is connected to everything in our lives, how people use it differently all around the world, and how we can transform our relationship with it to transition to more sustainable and just energy systems.

This free course is open to members of the Dartmouth community who have little to no experience with energy and want to learn the basics. Preference will be given to undergraduate students and others will be admitted as space allows. 

Weekly half-hour video pre-watch to be completed ahead of a weekly live discussion session. (Because of current public health restrictions, Energy 101 discussion sessions will take place via Zoom. Register for the link.)

Learn more and register. 


For more information, contact:
Irving Institute

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.