Dartmouth Events

Hop Film Event: Freda with director Gessica Généus

The story of a young woman's uncertain future builds into a subtle celebration of resilience underpinned by a vivid evocation of life in Haiti.

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Films, Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Registration required. Fee required. Tickets required.

When your homeland slides into chaos do you stay or do you flee? That is the dilemma facing the title character in Gessica Généus' Creole-language debut. Freda (Nehemie Bastien) lives with her family in a popular neighborhood in Port-au-Prince. Individually and collectively, they reflect the challenges of modern Haiti: her brother is a deadbeat, her sister hunts for a sugar daddy and their pragmatic mother dispenses support and tough love. In the face of escalating violence, Freda's boyfriend wants to emigrate to a safer place.

Bastien's spirited performance makes Freda shine with her determination to challenge the daily realities of a country at the mercy of corrupt politicians, patriarchal oppression, gangs and a colonialist legacy that seeks to erase language, culture and identity. D: Gessica Généus, Haiti, subtitled, 2021

Learn more and get tickets here

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Hopkins Center for the Arts

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.