Dartmouth Events

DEC Energy Seminar: Tribal Energy in North America

Impacts of climate policy on North American tribal communities.

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Homepage Featured, Lectures & Seminars
Registration required.

In our Winter Dartmouth Energy Collaborative Seminar Series, "Energy/Cimate Futures in 2022: Insights and Actions on the Road from Glasgow," we'll hear from the UN Climate Conference (COP26) conference participants, take stock of climate/adaptation goal-setting and action in different regions and sectors, and examine what enduring insights - if any - COP26 offers for the urgent local, regional, and global project of energy system transformation.  

In session three, we're joined by David Conrad, Deputy Director for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, and Aimee Barnes 04, Principal of Hua Nani Partners, who will discuss the current status of energy systems and services in North American tribal communities and share how indigenous ways of knowing can and should play a role in their energy transitions. We'll also hear implications of international policy dialogs like COP26 and national policy/resources embodied in the infrastructure bill for these communities.


For more information, contact:
Irving Institute for Energy and Society

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.