Dartmouth Events

16th Annual Geisel MLK Health Equity Celebration

In celebrating best practices and listening to community leaders, we can reimagine a future of healing.

8 am – 5 pm
Virtual Event
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Films, Lectures & Seminars, Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Performances, Service & Volunteer
Registration required.

Virtual Event - Free and Open to the Public
Zoom Link - Registration Required 

Sponsored by the Dartmouth College Office for Institutional Diversity and Equity, The Dartmouth Institute, Geisel Student Government, The Center for Global Health Equity, The Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Department of Medicine, and the Geisel Office for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement.

Event Description: 
For this year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, we focus on addressing historical and present-day race-based medicine and its harmful effects on communities of color. We center our efforts on systemic and institutional determinants of health. As we explore the root causes of inequitable health outcomes, we will gain the insight necessary to change them. In celebrating best practices and listening to community leaders, we can reimagine a future of healing.

Featuring the following speakers:

  • Linda Villarosa, Associate Professor, Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, City University of New York
  • Iyabo Obasanjo, PhD, DVM, Faculty Affiliate, Institute of Integrative Conservation and Co-Director, Center for African Development, Global Research Institute, William and Mary
  • Carol McGruder, Founding Member and Co-Chair, African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council
  • Wyatt Pickner, MPH - Hunkpati Dakota, Research Manager, American Indian Cancer Foundation
  • Dorothy Roberts, JD, 14th Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor, University of Pennsylvania
  • Bonzo Reddick, MD, MPH, Chair, Department of Community Medicine, Mercer University School of Medicine
  • Matthew Mackwood, MD, MPH, Family Physician and Assistant Professor, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
  • Judge (Ret.) Sonja Spears, Chief Equity & Inclusion Officer, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program

Learn more about the speakers here: https://geiselmed.dartmouth.edu/dice/mlk/

Register for the Zoom webinar here


For more information, contact:
Seelai Karzai

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.