Dartmouth Events

Hop Film: The Batman

Robert Pattinson (Tenet) dons the crime-fighting cowl in this gripping, grimy and sensational street-level detective story.

7 pm – 10 pm
Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Films
Registration required. Fee required. Tickets required.

Crime never sleeps for Gotham's caped crusader and haunted protector. When a sadistic killer leaves behind a trail of clues, Batman's search for justice takes him from the city's underworld to the lofts of the corrupt elite. This film evokes a more character-driven mystery that is reminiscent of movies like The Big SleepChinatown and Silence of the Lambs. The all-star supporting cast includes Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon and Paul Dano as The Riddler. D: Matt Reeves, US, 2022, CC



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Hopkins Center for the Arts

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.