Dartmouth Events

NY International Children's Film Fest Kids Flicks

Both animated and live-action, these delightful shorts from around the world are brimming with fun and clever stories.

11 am – 12 pm
Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Films
Registration required. Tickets required.

This fun and clever showcase features award winners and audience favorites—and adults will be sure to enjoy the craft and creativity on display in these bite-sized gems.

Kid Flicks One (age 3+)

Sat, July 16 at 11 am • Loew

Share your love of cinema with your little ones with Kid Flicks One, curated to charm all ages and especially introduce our youngest viewers, ages 3+, to their very first screen experiences. Little Emi in The Yogi Walrus craves ice cream and always wants more, but learning to savor is the cherry on top. Meanwhile, in Kenya's Symphony, a stubborn 5-year-old reluctantly heads off to a performance with her mom, but when the music starts, will a passion bloom? Young Mido wants to be part of the band, but needs to adjust his wild and wooly style amidst a troupe of cool creatures in Mido and the Instrumals.

Learn more and get free tickets here

For more information, contact:
Hopkins Center for the Arts

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.