Dartmouth Events

Lifelines: A Poetry Share

The Leslie Center for the Humanities welcomes all Dartmouth faculty, staff, and students to share favorite poetic works and writing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022
5:00pm – 6:00pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Arts and Sciences

The Leslie Center for the Humanities invites you to Lifelines: A Poetry Share

We welcome Dartmouth students, fellows, faculty and staff to share poetic works (written, oral, aural, or visual), such as favorite poems or original writing, as a way to connect and to inspire.

The theme this month is "Truth & Falsity, or the Sincerity Paradox" Can we be sincere with one another if we are conscious of the effort to be sincere? How do we know when we are telling the truth? We invite you to take inspiration from these ideas, but you do not have to adhere to theme in order to present.


At the end of this meeting we will discuss potential themes for November's poetry share.

Please let us know by writing to Humanities.Events@dartmouth.edu if you would like to attend as a reader or as a member of the audience, to this or any of the Lifelines gatherings this term.

Please note: This event will continue to be held remotely.


Join Zoom Meeting: 10/18/22

Meeting ID: 945 0816 9627
Passcode: 609844

For more information, contact:
Erin E. Bennett

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.