Dartmouth Events

Hop Film: Top Gun: Maverick

With spectacular aerial action and charisma to burn, this old-school blockbuster starring Tom Cruise and Miles Teller is a must-see on the big screen.

7:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Films
Registration required. Fee required. Tickets required.

After more than 30 years of service as one of the Navy's top aviators, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and rubbing against authority figures (Ed Harris, Jon Hamm). When Iceman (Val Kilmer) assigns him the task of training a detachment of TOP GUN graduates for a specialized mission, Maverick encounters Lt. Bradley Bradshaw (Miles Teller), call sign: "Rooster"—the son of Maverick's late friend "Goose." 

Facing an uncertain future, a rekindled love (Jennifer Connelly) and confronting the ghosts of his past, Maverick is drawn into a confrontation with his own deepest fears, culminating in a mission that will send him flying into the danger zone. With most of the footage untouched by CGI, the thrill of seeing these aerial stunts on the big screen is the definition of movie magic. D: Joseph Kosinski, US, 2022, 2h11m

Learn more and get tickets here

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Hopkins Center for the Arts

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.