Dartmouth Events

Dumas, Race, Slavery: From Acté to Georges

The 19th Century Working Group and the Leslie Center for the Humanities present a workshop with Professor Edmund Birch.

12 pm – 2 pm
Dartmouth Hall Room 104
Intended Audience(s): Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
Categories: Arts, Lectures & Seminars, Workshops & Training
Registration required.

The 19th Century Working Group and the Leslie Center for the Humanities present a workshop with Professor Edmund Birch, discussing his work, "Dumas, Race, Slavery: From Acté to Georges", Tuesday, November 1st, 12-2:00 PM, Dartmouth Hall Room 104.

Edmund Birch teaches French Literature at the Univeristy of Cambridge, where he is Fellow and Director of Studies at Churchill College & Selwyn College. His research interests are centered on the history of the novel, the press, and popular culture in the nineteenth century. His first book, Fictions of the Press in Nineteenth-Century France, was published in 2018, and recent articles have appeared in French Studies, Romantic Review, and Flaubert: Revue critique et génétique. A new essay on Alexandre Dumas is forthcoming in PMLA. Edmund is co-editor of the journal Dix-Neuf.

Please RSVP to Humanities.Events@dartmouth.edu to receive the reading material for this event. Thank you!

For more information, contact:
Erin Bennett

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.