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In commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, we will explore the role of health in revolution through the lens of the past, present, and future.
17th Annual MLK Health Equity Celebration 2023
Location- Dartmouth Campus: Kellogg Building Auditorium 200
To Join Virtually go to: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/6033392686 Meeting ID: 603 339 2686
Saturday, January 14
0900 Continental Breakfast and Welcome
0920 Movie Screening and Discussion: “After Parkland”
Discussion Facilitated by: Steve Chapman MD; Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Health
1100 Achieving Health Equity Through Advocacy
Presenter: Marie Ramas- President of the New Hampshire Academy of Family Physicians
Noon- Lunch Provided by Karibbean; Music Provided by DJ Sean
1300 Doing Health Justice
Health and illness are not randomly distributed. Structures such as race and social class, racism and capitalism, and all of our social, political and economic institutions create and maintain health inequities. How do we eliminate the disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality in Black communities and among others who are hit hardest by systems of oppression? Centering health justice as a set of measurable actions offers promise.
Sirry Alang, PhD, Associate Professor, Black Communities and the Social Determinants of Health, University of Pittsburgh School of Education
1400 Bridging the Gap: Increasing Abortion Access in a Post-Roe America
This discussion will focus on what are abortion funds and why they need to exist, the ways we've scaled up our services in the face of post-Roe America, an overview of the abortion access landscape, as a whole in New Hampshire, and what barriers for access still exist.
Josie Pinto; Founder and Executive Director of the Reproductive Freedom Fund of NH
1500 Ethics and Disaster Medicine
Dr. Fernando will focus on Ethics in Disaster Medicine. He is currently working in Ukraine and will reference the various global locations he's worked in disasters and how the news and people only seem to focus on the white refugees vs. those of any other ethnicity with the Caucasian being a small segment of the 120 million refugees worldwide.Rajeev Fernando, MD, Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Chiraj Inc.
For More Information Visit: https://geiselmed.dartmouth.edu/dice/mlk/
The 2023 Geisel MLK Celebration is funded by Geisel’s Office of DICE, the Dartmouth College Office for IDE, and Alumni Relations
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.