Dartmouth Events

Frank Dikotter, China Past and Future

Frank Dikötter, one of the world's leading historians of China, will discuss his new book China After Mao: The Rise of a Superpower (2022).

7 pm – 8 pm
Zoom Webinar
Intended Audience(s): Public

Dikötter is Chair Professor of the Humanities at the University of Hong Kong. He has published a dozen books that have changed the ways historians view modern China, from the classic The Discourse of Race in Modern China (1992) to China before Mao: The Age of Openness (2007). He is also the author of the acclaimed "People's Trilogy" on the history of China under Mao (1949-76).

In this talk, he discusses his recent book China After Mao: The Rise of a Superpower, which has been called "myth-shattering," "magisterial," and "riveting."

The Webinar is co-sponsored by the Political Economy Project and the Dickey Center, and is free and open to the public.

To join the Webinar, click https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/99060930931?pwd=M0NBRlNIOFpSdEh1ZFVhTnZJNUFDdz09  or sign in with the Webinar ID 990 6093 0931 and Passcode 429504.

For more information, contact:
Henry Clark

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.