Dartmouth Events

Lifelines: A Poetry Share

The Dartmouth community is invited to share poetic works to connect and inspire.

5 pm – 6 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Arts and Sciences

The Leslie Center for the Humanities invites you to "Lifelines: A Poetry Share."

We welcome Dartmouth students, fellows, faculty, and staff to share poetic works (written, oral, aural, or visual), such as favorite poems or original writing, as a way to connect and to inspire.


  • Tuesday, February 21, 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday March 14, 5:00 PM

This event is held over Zoom.

Zoom invite link: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/95890255926?pwd=RkdsZUovVHAraWlhMFlaVFlMUzc0QT09

Please RSVP to Humanities.Events@Dartmouth.Edu if you would like to attend this event as a reader or as a member of the audience. We hope to see you there!


For more information, contact:
Erin Bennett

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.