Dartmouth Events

Literature in a Time of Crisis: A Conversation with Phil Klay

Phil Klay '05, the Winter 2023 Montgomery Fellow, explores how literature can help us respond to violent times.

5 pm – 7 pm
Filene Auditorium, Moore Building
Intended Audience(s): Public

A Conversation with Phil Klay
Dartmouth Class of 2005 Montgomery Fellow

After every war come authors who shape and reshape our understanding of who we are and where we should go next. How can literature help us respond to our current situation where violence, done in our name, is both invisible and unending?

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 
5:00 pm
Filene Auditorium
Free and Open to the Public

For more information, contact:
Ellen Henderson

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.