Dartmouth Events

Trick of the Light Theatre: The Bookbinder (performance)

A dark fairytale interweaving shadowplay, puppetry and music for curious children and adventurous adults. The Bookbinder is suitable for adults and older children (10+).

4 pm – 5 pm
Dartmouth Hall 105
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Performances
Registration required. Fee required. Tickets required.

An old bookbinder sits down to read the tale of an erstwhile apprentice. As he speaks, the story spills from the pages and into the bindery—from pop-up book to puppetry, storytelling to live action.

The Bookbinder was first performed in the back room of a second-hand bookshop. Since then, it has toured throughout Aotearoa / New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Canada, USA and South Africa. The show won accolades including Best of the Fringe at the New Zealand Fringe, the International Excellence Award at Sydney Fringe, and the Best Children's Theatre Award at Fringe World in Perth.

A dark fairytale in the vein of Coraline and Jonathon Strange & Mr. Norrell, The Bookbinder is suitable for adults and older children (10+).

Get tickets here



For more information, contact:
Hopkins Center for the Arts
603 646 2422

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.