Dartmouth Events

Asian Diaspora On Screen: Return to Seoul

Sex, lots of alcohol and a little bit of arms dealing separate this serrated tale of homecoming from its more conventional forebears.

7 pm – 9 pm
Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Films
Fee required. Tickets required.

Less of a homecoming and more of a reckless drive-by, twentysomething Freddie's (Park Ji-Min) visit to her birth country, after being adopted and raised in France, isn't the sentimental sojourn one might expect. The film's original title All the People I'll Never Be better encapsulates the combustible mix of identities that compel Freddie to look backwards while propelling her story forward with heedless abandon. Covering a span of eight years and a slew of different selves, all diversely and uniquely Freddie, Return to Seoul is as much about uprooting and transplanting as it is about reconnecting to a particular plot of land.

Programmed as part of the Asian Diaspora on Screen series in collaboration with the Dartmouth Asian American Studies Collective (DAASC).

Get tickets here.

For more information, contact:
Hopkins Center for the Arts
603 646 2422

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.