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Celebration of the 2023 Social Justice Awards, with featured keynote speaker Dr. Uche Blackstock, founder of Advancing Health Equity.
Dartmouth’s Social Justice Awards, co-sponsored by the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee, Office of Institutional Diversity & Equity, William Jewett Tucker Center, Dartmouth Center for Social Impact, and Geisel School of Medicine, were established to recognize members of the Dartmouth community including alumni/ae, current and former faculty, staff, student groups and others with ties to the college, who have contributed significantly to peace, civil rights, education, public health, environmental justice, or social justice. The awards honor members of the Dartmouth community who have demonstrated their compassion, perseverance, courage, and leadership by engaging in the difficult work of fostering human dignity and our common humanity through their projects, programs, and visions.
The keynote speaker at the May 18 event will be physician and thought leader Dr. Uché Blackstock, the founding CEO of New York-based Advancing Health Equity, which works to dismantle racism in health care and close the gap in racial inequities in health care organizations.
The keynote will begin at 5:30 PM, with the Social Justice Awards Ceremony to follow. A reception will follow the awards ceremony.
This year's Social Justice Award honorees are:
The Class of 1987 Peace Justice Respect Committee—Emerging Leadership
Josie Pinto, MPH '23—Emerging Leadership
Alisa Hurwitz—Ongoing Commitment
John Turco—Lifetime Achievement
Meredith Kelly—Holly Fell Sateia Award
The Pi Theta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. —Student Organization Award
The Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian Students' Association—Student Organization Award
Registration is required. To register please visit: http://dartgo.org/SJAwards
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.