Dartmouth Events

Virtual Conference-Voice & Sound in Diderot

Scholars across literary and music studies have found the French Enlightenment to be a formative moment for thinking about the production, meanings and powers of voice and sound.

12 pm – 2 pm
Virtual with Zoom links
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Arts and Sciences, Lectures & Seminars

Session 3: Monday April 17, 12-2pm Eastern; Discussion in English


Meeting ID: 996 3492 6948

Passcode: 471608

·      Downing Thomas, Voice, Music, and Sound in Le Neveu de Rameau (Rebecca Cypess)

·      Rebecca Cypess, A Woman in the Labyrinth: Angélique Diderot as Composer (Downing Thomas)

·      Edward Halley Barnet, Vibration, Sound, and the Mind: Diderot’s Vibratory Materialism (Mara Lane)

·      Mara Lane, Diderot à part, or Listening in Le Paradoxe sur le comédien (Edward Halley Barnet)

For more information, contact:
Ellissa Griffin

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.