Dartmouth Events

Debt and Deficits: Fiscal Challenges Facing the Next Administration

Bob Bixby (The Concord Coalition) and Mike Murphy (Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget) discuss upcoming fiscal challenges. Marjorie Rose moderates.

5 pm – 6 pm
Hinman Forum and Virtual
Intended Audience(s): Public

Livestream: https://dartgo.org/debt

Concord Coalition Exec. Director Bob Bixby and Committee Senior VP and Chief of Staff Mike Murphy discuss topics such as rising national debt, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, taxes, and general government spending.

Robert L. Bixby is executive director of The Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan organization that encourages fiscal responsibility in Washington and helps educate the public about the federal budget and the need to protect our children and future generations from excessive government debt. Bixby joined Concord in 1992 and served in several positions, including policy director and national field director, before being named executive director in 1999. He has served as a member of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task Force (the Domenici-Rivlin commission), which produced a model plan for comprehensive fiscal reform. He and The Concord Coalition’s “Fiscal Wake-Up Tour” were also featured prominently in the critically-acclaimed documentary film “I.O.U.S.A.” Bixby has a bachelor’s degree in political science from American Univ., a J.D. from George Mason Univ. School of Law, and a master’s degree in public admin. from the John F. Kennedy School of Govt. at Harvard Univ. Before joining Concord, he practiced law and served as the chief staff attorney of the Court of Appeals of VA.

Mike Murphy is Senior VP and Chief of Staff for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, where he manages policy research and analysis on a variety of topics related to fiscal policy and the federal budget, as well as coordinates a wide array of projects related to advancing the Committee’s policy related initiatives. He is also the Director of FixUS, a special initiative of the Committee that through a number of efforts and partnerships seeks to better understand the root causes of our nation’s growing divisions and deteriorating political system, to work with others to bring attention to these issues and the need to fix them, and to build support for necessary changes. Prior to joining the Committee, Mike worked for the Comeback America Initiative, a nonprofit founded by David Walker, Former Comptroller General of the US, whose mission is to educate and engage the public about federal, state, and local fiscal issues. Previously, Mike also worked as a Senior Transportation Program Analyst for the Port Authority of NY and NJ, as well as in legislative affairs for the American Cancer Soc. and on Capitol Hill. Mike received his bachelor’s degree in History and Political Science from SUNY Albany, and a Masters of Public Admin. and a Certificate of Health Services Mgmt. and Policy from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse Univ.

Marjorie Rose is a Sr. Lecturer in the Dept. of Economics at Dartmouth. She earned her B.A. from Penn State Univ. and her PhD from UCLA. Before joining the Dartmouth Economics faculty, she worked as a macroeconomist at the Council of Economic Advisors under President Ronald Reagan. As a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), she worked on macroeconomic policy adjustment and lending programs in a dozen countries across Africa and  Asia and provided technical assistance in the areas of monetary policy design and banking supervision. At Dartmouth, she teaches courses in Macroeconomics and International Finance. More recently, she co-taught a special immersion course on Macroeconomic Policy and Reform in Latin America, which involved an in-depth study of Chile and Argentina on campus followed by a 2-week trip to the two countries to conduct team research projects. Rose has moderated numerous panel discussions and special talks across campus on a range of areas such as personal finance, fiscal responsibility, and monetary policy.

For more information, contact:
Joanne Blais

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.