Dartmouth Events

Diploma Distribution

Pick up your diploma immediately following commencement.

12:15 pm – 2:00 pm
Various Locations - see listing
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Commencement

Dartmouth College Commencement Website

Undergraduates – Reiss Hall, Baker-Berry Library
Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies – A.M, M.S. and Ph.D.’s – Guarini School Office, Room 102, Anonymous Hall - 64 College Street 
MALS – First Floor Wentworth Hall, MALS Office
Thayer School – Cummings, Great Hall
Tuck School – Stell Hall

Geisel School of Medicine - Class Day Ceremony
TDI - Class Day Ceremony
MHCDS - Mailed

For more information, contact:
Conferences and Events

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.