Dartmouth Events

"The Human Good," Christine Korsgaard, Harvard University

Presented by the annual Francis W. Gramlich Lecture in Philosophy

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
via ZOOM
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Christine Korsgaard
Arthur Kingsley Porter Research Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University

"The Human Good" (handout PDF link)
Thursday, April 21

via ZOOM:


Meeting ID: 959 9514 1884
Passcode: 205347

Abstract: "One of the oldest questions in philosophy is “What is the best life for a human being?” After considering some prominent ancient and recent answers to that question, I propose that we approach the question using a relatively simple method that most philosophers have neglected.  We should ask what in general is involved in something’s (some, condition, state, or activity, including a certain kind of life) being good for some entity (some object, animal, or person), and then applying this answer to the human case. This method, I argue, yields a surprisingly intuitive answer."

For more information on the annual Gramlich lectures, please visit: https://philosophy.dartmouth.edu/news-events/francis-w-gramlich-lectures

For more information, contact:
Meredyth Morley

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.