Dartmouth Events


Join Professor Jorge Cuéllar and Jami Powell, curator of Indigenous art, as they consider the diversity of “American” relationships with corn as a food staple.

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Hood Museum of Art
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Exhibitions, Lectures & Seminars

Jorge E. Cuéllar, Faculty Fellow & Assistant Professor, Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies Faculty Fellow, Consortium of Studies in Race, Migration & Sexuality (RMS) 

Join Professor Jorge Cuéllar and Jami Powell, curator of Indigenous art, as they consider the diversity of “American” relationships with corn as a food staple that has also played a role in shaping US cultural and national identity.

Image: Nicolas Lampert, Solidarity with Migrant Workers, Not Agribusiness . . ., from the portfolio Migration Now, 2012, silkscreen, letterpress. Purchased through the Contemporary Art Fund; 2013.46.17. © Nicolas Lampert 

For more information, contact:
Sharon Reed
(603) 646-2808

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.