Dartmouth Events

Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar Series

Please join us for a talk given by Dr. Thomas Yeo, an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore.

9 am – 10 am
Zoom - https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/95081748204?pwd=SU1ReUFJbEErMjlMd3h0aWdHMzRKdz09
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars
Organization of Large - Scale Networks in the Human Cerebral Cortex
Abstract: The human brain is a complex system exhibiting multi - scale spatiotemporal organization. In this talk, I will first discuss the topography of large - scale brain networks at both the population - level and in individuals . I will then discuss the prediction of behavioral traits from large - scale network features. Finally, I will discuss the use of biophysical model s combined with modern optimization techniques to bridge the gap between macro - scale brain MRI with micro - scale brain organization.
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Courtney Rogers

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