Dartmouth Events

COMMUNITY DAY: Kinship in Australian Aboriginal Bark Painting

Join this drop-in program to learn about how the Yolŋu in northern Australia express the power and beauty of their culture through the medium of eucalyptus bark painting.

1 pm – 4 pm
Hood Museum of Art
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Exhibitions, Workshops & Training

Join this drop-in program to learn about how the Yolŋu in northern Australia express the power and beauty of their culture through the medium of eucalyptus bark painting. There will be in-gallery activities and art-making projects for all ages. No registration required for this free program.

Image: Hood Museum docents engage with members of the public during a Family Day in May 2022. Photo by Rob Strong. 

For more information, contact:
Randall Kuhlman

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.