Dartmouth Events


A conversation between Yolŋu artists about the practice of bark painting and the significance of sharing their artistic and cultural practices with audiences in the United States.

2 pm – 4 pm
Gilman Auditorium, Hood Museum of Art
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Exhibitions, Lectures & Seminars

A conversation between Yolŋu artists about the practice of bark painting and the significance of sharing their artistic and cultural practices with audiences in the United States. Moderated by Kade McDonald, chief executive officer at Agency Projects, Melbourne; and Frances Morphy, honorary associate professor at the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at Australian National University. This program will be live-captioned and live-streamed on the Hood Museum’s Facebook page.

Learn more about the exhibition Madayin: Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala.

Image: Mulkun Wirrpanda, Retja II (detail), 2017, natural pigments on eucalyptus bark. Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia: The 2017–19 Kluge-Ruhe Madayin Commission, Purchased with funds provided by Martha Burton and Margaret Vaden, 2020; 2020.0003.001 

For more information, contact:
Sharon Reed

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.