Dartmouth Events


Join curators Henry Skerritt, Kade McDonald, and Jami Powell as they discuss the process of bringing "Maḏayin" to the Hood Museum.

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Hood Museum of Art
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Exhibitions

Join Henry Skerritt, assistant professor in the Department of Art and associate curator at the Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia, Kade McDonald, CEO of Agency Projects, and Jami Powell, curator of Indigenous art, as they discuss the process of bringing Maḏayin to the Hood Museum.

Learn more about the exhibition Madayin: Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala.

Image: Barrupu Yunupiŋu, Gurtha (Ancestral Fire) (detail), 2010, natural pigments on eucalyptus bark. Gift of Will Owen and Harvey Wagner; 2011.60.5

For more information, contact:
Sharon Reed

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.