Dartmouth Events


This full-day teacher workshop will offer to learn about Aboriginal Australian bark painting.

9 am – 3 pm
Hood Museum of Art
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Exhibitions, Workshops & Training
Registration required.

This full-day teacher workshop will offer to learn about Aboriginal Australian bark painting, experience gallery activities, participate in a related studio project, and consider ways to integrate this exciting exhibition into the K–12 curriculum. CLICK HERE to register.

Learn more about the exhibition Madayin: Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala.

Image: Naminapu Maymuru-White, Milŋiyawuy│Milky Way (detail), 2019, natural pigments on eucalyptus bark. Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia. The 2017–19 Kluge-Ruhe Madayin Commission; 2020.EL.0004.002

For more information, contact:
Randall Kuhlman

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.