Dartmouth Events

Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar Series

Please join us for a talk given by Dr. Nuttida Rungratsameetaweemana, a provost research fellow at Columbia University.

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Zoom - https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/91228499971?pwd=OXZQV0JRSThsMmsxUUZ1RHlGLzJ5UT09
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences, Lectures & Seminars

Title: Probing computational principles underlying adaptive learning

Abstract: An ability to use acquired knowledge to guide optimal behavior as the sensory environments change over time is a hallmark of natural intelligence. It is not well understood how adaptive learning is achieved in the brain and what aspects of this process are disrupted in disorders. In this talk, I will go over how I use a blend of computational techniques with a range of neural recordings to examine adaptive learning across different scales of investigations.

About this series: This seminar series is devoted to highlighting innovative, disruptive advances in cognitive neuroscience. Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience also is dedicated to leveraging science as a vehicle for social justice. Through this seminar series we hope to recognize outstanding research conducted by historically underrepresented groups (HURG) in Cognitive Neuroscience and related fields, including women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and people/individuals with disabilities. Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience is a formal collaboration between Dartmouth College, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Harvard University, Columbia University, and Gallaudet University. It is funded by the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth College. ASL interpretation is provided for all ICN talks.

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For more information, contact:
Courtney Rogers

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.