Dartmouth Events

International Symposium on Korean Art Since the 1980s: Dynamism and Expansion

Panels will explore the topics of Korean art movements from the 80's to the present, Korean feminist art and work of Nam June Paik, Korean media art, and history of Korean design.

11 am – 5 pm
Gilman Auditorium
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Arts and Sciences, Conferences, Lectures & Seminars

The International Symposium on Korean Art opens at 11:00 a.m. in the Gilman Auditorium of the Hood Museum of Art on November 4. The Symposium will consist of three sessions of presentations and discussions. 

  • 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.: Session 1: Critical Practices and Contemporaneity in Korean Art
    • 11 a.m.–11:20 a.m.: Ways of Seeing: Some Motifs in Minjung Art (1980-1993) – Park Soyang
    • 11:20–11:40 a.m.: Korean Art in the 1990s: “the sensuous,” “the conceptual,” and “the critical” – Shin Chunghoon 
    • 11:40 a.m.–noon: Contemporaneity and Popularity in Today’s Korean Art – Kim Mina
    • 12–12:30 p.m.: Discussion and Q&A – Moderator: Lee Sohl
  • 2–3:30 p.m.: Session 2: Pluralization of Korean Art
    • 2–2:20 p.m.: The Polyphony of Feminist Art in Korea – Kim Hyeonjoo
    • 2:20–2:40 p.m.: Paik Nam June and Korean Video Art – Lim Shan
    • 2:40–3 p.m.: Design After Development – Seungyeon Gabrielle Jung via Zoom
    • 3–3:30 p.m.: Discussion and Q&A – Moderator: Kim Jeehey
  • 3:50–4:50 p.m.: Session 3: Korean Artist Film Screening & Talk – Moderator: Kim Namin (There will be an interpreter for the Q&A).

The symposium is co-hosted by Dartmouth, the Korea Foundation, and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea.

For more information, contact:
Samantha Potter

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.