Dartmouth Events

POSTPONED: Cleopatra Mathis Poetry & Prose Series: Erika Meitner

The reading with Erika Meitner on February 23rd has been postponed. New date and time TBA.

4:45 pm – 6:00 pm
Sanborn Library
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences

The reading with Erika Meitner on Thursday, February 23rd, has been postponed. Please check back on the Department of English and Creative Writing website for the new date and time.

The Cleopatra Mathis Poetry and Prose Series
Reading by Erika Meitner

This event is co-sponsored by the Department of English and Creative Writing and the Jewish Studies Program.

Erika Meitner is the winner of the 2018 National Jewish Book Award for Poetry and author of six books of poems: Useful JunkHoly Moly Carry MeInventory at the All-Night DrugstoreMakeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls; and Ideal Cities, which was a 2009 National Poetry series winner; and Copia. Her poetry and prose have been widely anthologized. Born and raised in Queens and Long Island, NY, Meitner is a first-generation American: her father is from Israel; her mother was born in a refugee camp in Germany, which is where her maternal grandparents settled after surviving the Holocaust.

For more information, contact:
English and Creative Writing Department

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.