Dartmouth Events

American Dream: Dead or Alive? (The Democracy Summit)

The Dartmouth Political Union hosts a student debate on the American dream on February 22nd from 7:00-8:30 PM in Filene Auditorium.

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Filene Auditorium, Moore Building
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Clubs & Organizations, Lectures & Seminars

The Dartmouth Political Union is hosting a student debate on the American Dream as part of The Democracy Summit. The Democracy Summit, jointly convened by The Dartmouth Political Union, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, and The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences, will host several lectures & debates on the state of democracy from winter 2023 through winter 2024.

The American Dream is one of the enduring ideals of our nation. It holds that all Americans can achieve success through hard work and perseverance and thereby leave their children better off than they were. While some firmly believe that the American Dream is realizable, others question whether such socioeconomic mobility still exists today or has ever existed. The Dartmouth Political Union thus asks Dartmouth students: Is the American Dream dead, or is it alive?

Tickets are not required for this event. Seats are first-come, first-serve.

Learn more about The DPU at thedpu.org and follow us on Instagram @thedpunion.

For more information, contact:
Dartmouth Political Union

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.