Dartmouth Events

Eric Eichler ’57 Foundations in Medicine and Humanities Seminar

Prof. Elizabeth Carpenter-Song & Dr. Manish K. Mishra explore the implications of multidisciplinary collaboration in the field of psychiatric care with Dr. David Silbersweig

6 pm – 7 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars
Registration required.

The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice

Dartmouth Health Care Foundations

Eichler '57 Foundations in Medicine and Humanities Seminar Series

Imaging and Re-imagining Mental Health: How visualizing the brain in mental illness through function MRI can reduce suffering

Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Seminar: 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. EST

Location: Zoom:

Registration required: https://dartgo.org/e57mar23


Mental illness affects about 25% of the US adult population, resulting in immeasurable suffering. New technologies using functional neuro imaging may help focus treatment and prevention strategies in psychiatric care. Dr. Silbersweig's team at Harvard's Center for Neurosciences is on the cutting edge of understanding mental functions in the brain. Their work is revealing critical insights and helping to better define aspects of mental health.

Join Dartmouth College's Prof. Elizabeth Carpenter-Song and Dr. Manish K. Mishra as they explore the implications of multidisciplinary collaboration in the field of psychiatric care with our guest speaker Dr. David Silbersweig, MD. 

Dr. David Silbersweig is Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Co-Director of the Center for the Neurosciences at Brigham and Women's Hospital. He is Stanley Cobb Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, where he was also an Academic Dean.

Dr. Silbersweig is one of the pioneers of functional neuroimaging research in psychiatry. He and his colleagues focus upon the development and application of new neuroimaging techniques to localize and characterize brain circuitry dysfunction underlying major psychiatric disorders. They have developed novel methods and paradigms for both PET and MRI imaging that are widely used, and have identified neural circuitry abnormalities associated with a number of major psychiatric disorders. Particular areas of focus are the characterization of frontal-limbic modulation abnormalities across the neuropsychiatric spectrum, and the identification of final common neural pathways underlying psychiatric clinical phenotypes. Dr. Silbersweig and his colleagues have published many scientific articles in leading journals, including first reports localizing brain abnormalities associated with hallucinations in schizophrenia, and with tics in Tourette syndrome. They have also made recognized contributions to neural circuit models of depression and borderline personality disorder. The aim of Dr. Silbersweig's systems-level neuropathophysiology work is to help provide a foundation for the development of novel, targeted, biologically based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to aid those suffering with mental illness. Dr. Silbersweig has significant involvement (including leadership roles) in cross-Harvard programs and national/international research and medical organizations. He is a Fellow of the American Neuropsychiatric Association and has played a role in shaping the rapidly developing field of neuropsychiatry through his innovations, educational activities, his invited presentations in the United States and abroad, and his work with scientific journals, NIH, conferences and organizations.


About the Eric Eichler D'57 Foundations in Medicine and Humanities Seminar Series:

Each month, experts from the Arts, Sciences, Humanities, and global leaders will guide you to think holistically and creatively about healthcare using a humanistic approach. Learn more: https://dartgo.org/eichlerseminars

For more information, contact:
Lisa Sharp Grady

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.