Dartmouth Events

Spring 2023 Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra (music performance)

The evening begins with William Grant Still's "Mother and Child," arranged for string orchestra, followed by 2 exquisite classical-era symphonies, Mozart's 40th and Schubert's 5th.

8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Rollins Chapel
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts, Performances
Registration required. Fee required. Tickets required.

The evening begins with William Grant Still's "Mother and Child," arranged for string orchestra, followed by two exquisite classical-era symphonies, Mozart's 40th and Schubert's 5th.

Get more info and tickets here.

Open Dress Rehearsal: Wed, May 10, 8 PM, Rollins Chapel. Get more info and tickets here.

Pre-Show Discussion: Thu, May 11, 7 PM, Baker Berry Library. Hear more about the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra's spring program from Director Filippo Ciabatti. Get more info here.


For more information, contact:
Hopkins Center for the Arts

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.