Dartmouth Events

TEMPORARY DWELLING II: An Evening with Pavel Lion a.k.a. Psoy Korolenko

Pavel Lion, (aka Psoy Korolenko), sometimes referred to as a ''wandering scholar'' and ''avant-bard'', is a multilingual singer-songwriter, translator, scholar.

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Common Ground, Collis Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Clubs & Organizations, Performances

Join us as Pavel Lion, better known as Psoy Korolenko, presents the continuation of last year's concert, "Songs of Falling Leaves and Temporary Dwellings". The multilingual program includes songs and translations mostly themed around autumn and wandering the world. It is dedicated to Dartmouth and features Dartmouth-inspired premiers.

Pavel Lion, (aka Psoy Korolenko), sometimes referred to as a ''wandering scholar'' and ''avant-bard'', is a multilingual singer-songwriter, translator, scholar.

This concert features original and translated songs by Psoy Korolenko and other authors, as well as the artist's renderings of traditional songs in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ukrainian, Russian, English, French and Portuguese.

Collis 107 Common Ground

Sponsored by the Russian Department and Jewish Studies Program

For more information, contact:
Russian Department

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.