Dartmouth Events

Student Employee Appreciation Festival

A festival to honor the work and dedication of student employees from 3pm - 5pm in Collis Common Ground. All student employees welcome!

2 pm – 5 pm
Collis 107 Common Ground
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Exhibitions

On Monday, April 16, Dartmouth honors the work and dedication of student employees during the Student Employee Appreciation Festival, which will be from 3pm - 5pm in Collis Common Ground.

All attending student employees are eligible for great raffle prizes, including the grand prize of a 10.2" 9th Gen (2021) iPad.

The event is sponsored by the Student Employment Office, with prizes provided by several college departments. All student employees are invited to attend!

For more information, contact:
Student Employment Office

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.